Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Break

This year spring break was simply amazing. I traveled to Greenville, SC to visit Dave with Justin. As expected, the riding was amazing doing such climbs as Saluto, Ceaser's Head, and Paris Mountain. Unfortantley for me, my rear shifter died on me just before taking off for the trip. So, I had my cross bike along and got some good low cadence work outs on the climbs. Also, during Greenville's Tuesday night worlds at the Donaldson Center, I was able to get a really good high cadence workout in.

To my pleasure, Greenville has some amazing places to eat. This suited us well with the amount of riding that was done. Also, I was able to get out and ride in shorts and short sleeves for a few days which means I am beginning to get my great tan lines back. Also, I was able to recharge my batteries for school while I was down enjoying myself.

I am currently back in Cincinnati getting ready for my final quarter as an undergrad student. I am excited about finishing school and hope this quarter isn't going to require too much of a work load.

Here are some pictures from the week:

The crew at the top of Ceaser's Head

Lunch break

Celebrating Justin's B-day

View from Paris Mountain looking towards downtown Greenville

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